Sept. 2020 Preteen Workout #3
Warm up 3x
20 jumping jacks
15 squats
10 Spiderman lunges 5 push ups
3 bear crawl U pattern
100 m run
5:00 of mobility Prep 10 straight arm bandy pull down 10 m alligator walk
30 strict pull ups in 5 sets or less 10:00 time cap Every break do 30 hollow hold flutter kicks
30:00 continuous movement
If you have different machines you can change every 5:00
* The idea is to have sustained movement for 30:00. This can be scaled down to 15-20:00 for your older express kids. As noted you can switch the type of movement such as 5:00 on the bike switch to 5:00 on the rower, switch to 5:00 running, switch back to bike etc. It can also be a run walk. The goal is to keep moving for the allotted time.
10 Cossacks
10 skaters
3 precision jumps
Shoulder distraction Cobra
Downward dog