Kids Workout #4 – The Brand X Method

Kids Workout #4


Kids Workout #4

For 3-5 minutes
1 minute single leg hops holding foot cross body- left foot with right hand 1 minute single leg hops holding foot cross body- right foot with left hand 1 minute spin anyway

1 minute single leg hops holding foot behind- left foot with left hand
1 minute single leg hops holding foot behind- right foot with right hand

Get Ready
1 minute Achilles Stretch each Leg 1 minute High Knee Skip


Movement Practice
Review Planked Cross Body pass through. Challenge kids to maintain stable core AND parallel hip position as it relates to the floor



AMCAP 8-10 minutes
10 Broad Jumps
10 Planked Cross Body Pass throughs (tennis ball to 8#db) 10 Flutter Kicks

Then 2 minutes:
Alternate every 10 meters/30 feet
Play “Beach Towel Partner Drag”, towel is dragged in a straight line 10 meters (one partner pulls a beach towel with each hand on the long edges of the towel, while second partner rides cross legged on the towel holding high on the long edges (to avoid potential carpet of contact burn)

Total Time= 10-12 minutes

Play “Skipping Rocks”
Set up three flat cones, 1 meter apart and varying distance from a wall (2m, 3m, 4m) with tennis or lacrosse balls staged on top. Place an overturned box or bucket on its side centrally along the wall to be used as a target. Students line up to take turns throwing and skipping each “rock” to the bucket, they must do this from a solid plank position and move to each consecutive throw position by side shuffling in the plank- moving laterally.
Coaches may need to help with orientation to the wall prior to first throw- player should be parallel relative to the wall.