Teen Workout #2 – The Brand X Method

Teen Workout #2


Teen Workout #2


Quadrupedal bear crawl 10 m 
Seal walk 10 m 
Side shuffle 10 m
Hopscotch 30 seconds 
Side shuffle 10 m
10 inchworms 
Toy soldiers 10 m 
10 knee hugs 
10 quad pulls 


Work 5:00 on the hang power clean, specifically moving from the extension position of the clean to the power receiving position.

Starting with 2 dumbbell hang power cleans, every minute on the minute add 2 more hang power cleans until you are unable to complete the number of reps required per round.
Rd. 1 – 2 reps

Rd. 2 – 4 reps

Rd. 3 – 6 reps

Rd. 4 – 8 reps

Rd. 5 – 10 reps

Rd. 6 – 12 reps Etc.


800 m run or row
5 m handstand walk
5 second handstand hold 5 m handstand hold
5 muscle ups
5 pistols each leg
25 double unders
800 m run or row

* For kids who cannot do handstand walking or holds, you could sub bear crawls and wall walk ups.

* For kids who cannot do muscle ups you could sub pull ups and dips or ring rows and push ups

10 box step up to side and over 10 knees to elbows
5 rotational med ball throw

Couch stretch athletes choice