Kids Workout #4 – The Brand X Method

Kids Workout #4


Kids Workout #4

Pull Up practice at pull-up bars or parallel bars as needed Group class as Yellow or Green according to capacity then Rotate kids through

Yellow attempt 2 pull-ups or progressions, 10 Floppies Green attempt 4 pull ups or progressions, 10 Burpees

Get Ready
1 minute Couch Stretch against the wall each leg 1 minute Seated Hamstring Stretch
1 minute Downward Dog


Movement Practice

Review and practice Bandy Pull Aparts
Apply Muscles On and Strong Tree Brand X® Movement Skills while holding (fist is vertical thumbs are pointing up) a light resistance band at shoulder height, with hands positioned shoulder width apart and then pulling out laterally. Focus on slow controlled pulls only as far as each athlete can maintain stability. Depending on how many bands you may have, kids may be paired or practice can be performed in a circle.



AMCAP 12-15 minutes
5 Spartan Tire/Hoop Flip, jump in, over the edge and back through 5 Pull ups, progressions or max Static Hold


King of the Ring

King of the Ring is a wrestling style game in which players line up by size small to tall and face off in one-on-one single elimination style. Using an 3 meter or 9 foot diameter circular area (we suggest creating chalk or rope borders) The rules are players start from standing and facing each other, they can be cued to clasp hands palm to palm or at forearms. Either way, intentional wrist bending is an automatic out. No facial contact is allowed. Players may end up on one or both knees as long as the above rules are followed. The goal is for each player to push or pull out their opponent until one or both of opponents feet are fully outside of the ring. The winner remains in the ring to face the next opponent until they either win or are eliminated. Larger and more skilled kids can be given handicaps, such as starting from Using an 3 meter or 9 foot diameter circular area (we suggest creating chalk or rope borders) The rules are players start from standing and facing each other, they can be cued to clasp hands palm to palm or at forearms. Either way, intentional wrist bending is an automatic out. No facial contact is allowed. Players may end up on one or both knees as long as the above rules are followed. The goal is for each player to push or pull out their opponent until one or both of opponents feet are fully outside of the ring. The winner remains in the ring to face the next opponent until they either win or are eliminated. Larger and more skilled kids can be given handicaps, such as starting from the knees etc. We are trying to teach body leverage and coaches can cue lower stance, use of hips, etc.