Tuesday, July 18, 2017
A Brand X Method™ Preschool Workout
Balance beam walk using beam 4”-6″ from the ground
Keep balloons in the air
Shopping – Using plastic food toys and small 10”-12″ plyo-boxes (sub laundry baskets), push upside-down box 5 meters and put one piece of food in the basket, do one squat, and repeat.
Finding Nemo – Equipment and other objects are strewn around the room. While the kids cover their eyes, the trainer hides a plastic toy fish (Nemo) somewhere within the equipment. On “Go,” the children try to find Nemo. For subsequent rounds, kids do 3 squats to get the chance to find Nemo (except the child who just found the fish). For added fun, additional fish can be hidden. Additional fish can be hidden.