Thursday, November 16, 2017 – The Brand X Method

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Thursday, November 16, 2017

A Brand X Method™ Preschool Workout

Kicking with toe
Kicking with inside of foot
Practice kicks with dodgeball to the wall

Hop – skip – broad jump – practice each separately, then try to string together a hop, skip and broad jump

3 rounds
0:30 – hop
0:30 – skip around
1:00 – jump rope

Switch – Divide players into two groups and line kids up on opposite sides of a large play area. Create coned section as home base for each side. Kids will race to other side using the exercise called out by the trainer. Common exercises for this game include high-knee skipping, carioca, broad jumps, walking lunges, bear crawls, backpedaling and bunny hops. First team to get all players into its home base gets a point. Play can continue until a certain number of points are attained or for a given time.