Brand X® At Home
“You have not moved for 13 hours?”
True favorite Martin family story, this happened, even in a very active, health conscious family*
Shortly after fitting our sons with FitBits they began to track each other’s every movement as a new form of competition, sarcasm and bonding. A few of them went to the gym one day, went off to lunch then played some pick up games with friends, fueled up and headed home. To their horror, they returned to find “Devlin” on the couch in the exact same position they recalled he was in when they had left that morning. Checking their FitBits they found that “Devlin” had in fact, not moved. He had not moved, or changed position, not to eat, nor use the facilities for 13 hours. This is, as you may imagine, even once, not a good health and fitness plan. *mostly true
We have a better plan, a Parents Brand X® At Home.

Since 2020 generously brought us the double sucker punch of millions of parents suddenly called upon to become substitute teachers while juggling work from home and kids being unhooked from peers, gyms, sport and school environments we have observed, well lets call it a “peak” in parental frustration and a growing lack of movement in youth. Lots of kids on the couch, all day.
There is a lot to unpack here, and we don’t claim to have all the answers to the multitude of issues surrounding this calamity.
We do however, aim to help where we are equipped to do so.
With over 20 years working in fitness with youth, we are uniquely positioned to help in the current environment, ongoing for those who need it and for those who have limited access to other resources.
From the general solution
– Movement promotes physical well being and health – Movement enhances learning
– Movement supports Mental Health
To the specific situation
– Not another digital class
– Movement that addresses screen fatigue and poor posture – Novelty in a world lacking the usual changing environments – Multi purpose goals, for example cross curricular or playful – Sensitive to the home environment
Doing What is Best for Kids
Drawing from our 20 years of programming for our own gym, and working with thousands of coaches and parents around the world, Brand X® is known best for its Youth Coaching Education programs, beginning with Coaches and Trainers, recently expanded for the specific needs of Educators and teachers. This recent and momentous year pushed us to find a specific solution for Parents as well.
Many if not most of the kids and teens coming through our doors, entered as kids without movement experience or saw themselves as disenfranchised from sport, yet by the time they left they were confidently walking onto college sport or any other physical pursuit that struck their fancy.
This is to say that Brand X® programs create optimized results for both beginners and athletes and can do so for your child, no matter their starting point.
As we know more moving, more frequently exponentially adds to the myriad physical and mental benefits of exercise. Therefore we have included movement throughout the day suggestions as well as Brain Break videos for shorter “small workouts” in addition to the fresh 12 each month.
The Brand X Brand X® Live Courses® provides an accessible solution
Only 9.99 month
- 12 fresh workouts monthly
- Brain breaks and movement throughout the day
- Accountability tracking
- Over 100 instructional and physical skills videos
Contact us: [email protected]