Tuesday, October 17, 2017 – The Brand X Method

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Brand X Method™ Preschool Workout

Balance beam walk using beam 4”-6″ from the ground

Keep balloons in the air

Shopping – Using plastic food toys and small 10”-12″ plyo-boxes (sub laundry baskets), push upside-down box 5 meters and put one piece of food in the basket, do one squat, and repeat.

Finding Nemo – Scatter a variety of items around the play area that can be used to conceal a small toy fish (Nemo). While the kids lay face down on the floor covering their eyes, the trainer hides Nemo somewhere in or under one items. On “Go,” the kids get up and try to find Nemo. The child who finds Nemo first gets to hide him next.